Floors Castle, Kelso, Scotland

Today' s pensioner tour day took us to Floors Castle in Kelso Scotland.
"Floors Castle has been welcoming visitors for over 40 years and one of its main attractions is that it is still a family home.  This gives the house such life and charm,  and sets it apart from most historic houses.
Built for the 1st Duke of Roxburghe in 1721, it has undergone periodic changes to create the dramatic building you see today.
I hope you enjoy your visit and share the enormous pleasure we derive from Floors and its surrounds."
So wrote the 10th Duke of Roxburghe (in the brochure).
I spent most of the day playing with rocks on the pathways.
Historic Note: Prince Andrew and a lady called Fergie announced their engagement at Floors Castle.  Fat lot of good that did apparently they got divorced.


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